By |February 12th, 2024|Categories: Partners|

Your Content Goes Here Summary The IMPIC Project offers sophisticated quantitative indices to assess immigration policies across time, countries, and policy fields, focusing on 33 OECD countries from 1980 to 2018. The current IMPIC datasets (version 2) cover immigration policies, which encompass government intentions and actions concerning the selection, admission, settlement, and deportation of foreign citizens within a country. IMPIC includes four immigration policy fields related to why states accept immigrants: labour migration (economic), family reunification (social), asylum/refugees (humanitarian), and co-ethnics (cultural). The dataset specifically covers legal regulations, excluding implementation details. The data is further [...]


By |February 9th, 2024|Categories: Partners|

Your Content Goes Here Summary The IMISEM dataset contains 828 indicators on the migration policies of 32 polities from Europe, South East Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. The IMISEM project adopts a comprehensive view of migration policy that includes both its emigrant/ emigration and immigrant/immigration sides, bridging for the first time the two sides of migration policy. Thus, the dataset includes indicators that measure emigration policies (exit policies and control of outflows), immigration policies (entry policies and control of inflows), emigrant policies (rights granted, services offered and obligations imposed on non-resident citizens), immigrant [...]

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