What is MIGPOL?

The Migration Policy Database (MIGPOL) differs from many other projects in the field of comparative migration policy research in the sense that it follows the principle of “assembling – rather than reinventing – the wheel” (Helbling & Solano 2021). We work closely with a wide array of partner projects and leading experts in migration policy research. MIGPOL assists these partners by generating a central infrastructure and joint codebook which makes their data comparable and readily accessible.

The project further establishes a link between its partner projects and the Demscore infrastructure. This central data hub for the social sciences allows students and scholars to connect any variable from any of the MIGPOL projects to, among others, the Uppsala Conflict Database (UCDP), Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem), Quality of Government (QoG), the Social Policy Indicators (SPIN), Governing the Antropocene (GRACE), the Representative Democracy Data Archive (REPDEM) and the Historical Data Archive (H-Data).

MIGPOL was initiated in 2020 by Professor Joakim Palme (principal investigator) at the Department of Government, Uppsala University. The project is part of the Comparative Policy Laboratory (COMPLAB) and currently funded by Uppsala University and the Swedish Research Council via the Demscore infrastructure.

Demscore logo with link to the demscore website.
Uppsala University logo with link to the website.
Vetenskapsrådet logo with link to the website.
COMPLAB logo with link to the website.


The MIGPOL project is hosted at the Department of Government, Uppsala University, in Sweden. Information about the MIGPOL team can be found by selecting the images to the left. For any questions about the MIGPOL project contact: migpol@uu.se.