MIGPOL data in academic research

On this page you will find links to ongoing work and upcoming original contributions by the MIGPOL team itself. The page also contains a compilation of recent academic publications that use the data generated by us and our partner projects.

Have you published a study in comparative migration policy research that we missed? Please get in touch: migpol@uu.se

The project “Protecting Irregular Migrants in Europe” (PRIME) uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to study how national institutions shape the conditions of irregular migrants across Europe. The MIGPOL team contributes to PRIME by generating indicators of policy responses to irregular migration in terms of social and economic rights. The dataset will be added to MIGPOL in 2025.

The research program “Aging migrants, labor market transition and the welfare state” (IMLABX) is designed to study transitions between working life and welfare support of older migrants. The MIGPOL team supports the program by providing quality assurance for a new database on welfare systems in countries with high rates of emigration. The dataset will be integrated into MIGPOL during the fall of 2024.

The project “Every Immigrant is an Emigrant” (IMISEM) investigates migration regulations from a systematic policy perspective. It comprises exit, entry, diaspora, integration and citizenship policies for both immigrants and emigrants. It considers a selection of cases from Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. IMISEM Data is currently updated in cooperation with the MIGPOL team. Version 2 will be available in 2025.

Recent Publications

The Determinants of Refugees’ Destinations: Where do refugees locate within the EU?
Di Iasio, Valentina & Wahba, Jackeline, 2024, World Development
The il/liberal paradox: conceptualising immigration policy trade-offs across the democracy/autocracy divide
Katharina, N., 2023, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Challenges of integration of immigrant students into Slovenian primary schools—Perspectives of teachers and other professionals
Moldes-Anaya, S., & Sommarribas, A., 2023, Policy Futures in Education
Ties that bind and unbind: charting the boundaries of European Union citizenship
Mantha-Hollands, A., & Dzankic, J., 2023, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Internal Migration Policies in China: Patterns and Determinants of the Household Registration Reform Policy Design in 2014
Wang, J. S. H., Zhu, Y., Peng, C., & You, J., 2023, The China Quarterly
Migration-related inequalities in loneliness across age groups: a cross-national comparative study in Europe
Delaruelle, K, 2023, European Journal of Ageing
The inconsistency of immigration policy: the limits 
Darshan Vigneswaran & Ernesto de León, 2023, Ethnic and Racial Studies
A progressive dilemma? Investigating cross-country variations in family-immigration policies through the lens of welfare-state regimes  
Ahlén, A., 2023, Political Research Exchange
Immigration and the conditionality of unemployment benefits in OECD countries 
Samir Mustafa Negash & Olaf van Vliet, 2023, West European Politics
Citizenship and integration 
Christina Gathmann and Julio Garbers, 2023, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Contextual welfare chauvinism: Left-wing governments and immigrant welfare
Harris, E., & Römer, F., 2023, European Journal of Political Research
Missing links in migrant enfranchisement studies
Umpierrez de Reguero, S., Finn, V., & Peltoniemi, J., 2023, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Enacted but neither regulated nor applied: exploring emigrant enfranchisement in deviant cases
Umpierrez de Reguero, S., 2023, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Dimensions of emigration policy: An indexing exercise for polities across three regions
Pedroza, L., & Palop‐García, P., 2023, International Migration.