
The IMISEM dataset contains 828 indicators on the migration policies of 32 polities from Europe, South East Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. The IMISEM project adopts a comprehensive view of migration policy that includes both its emigrant/ emigration and immigrant/immigration sides, bridging for the first time the two sides of migration policy. Thus, the dataset includes indicators that measure emigration policies (exit policies and control of outflows), immigration policies (entry policies and control of inflows), emigrant policies (rights granted, services offered and obligations imposed on non-resident citizens), immigrant policies (mainly, rights granted to non-citizen residents) and citizenship policies (mainly, access to naturalization for immigrants and retention of citizenship by emigrants). The main sources used to complete the IMISEM questionnaires are legal sources (i.e., laws, regulations). Legal sources are complemented with secondary sources (for instance, policy reports) and interviews with experts. The IMISEM Dataset is one of the main outputs of the “The very Immigrant is an Emigrant Project (IMISEM)” funded by the Leibniz Gemeinschaft and carried out at the GIGA German Institute for Global and Area Studies between 2017 and 2020. IMISEM data was collected for the years 2017 to 2019 during this time

Policy areas

Emigration policies (exit policies and control of outflows), immigration policies, (entry policies and control of inflows), emigrant policies (rights granted, services offered and obligations imposed on non-resident citizens), immigrant policies (mainly rights granted to non-citizen residents) and citizenship policies emigrants.


Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Germany, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Spain, France, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, South Korea, Macau, Mexico, Malaysia, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, El Salvador, Timor-Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, Taiwan, and Uruguay.




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